P4 & P5 Experiment Questions Masterclass
- Total Duration: 3 hrs
- Focus: Answering Techniques
Conquer Experiment Process Skills!
Calling all P4 & P5 students, this 3 hour skills-based masterclass teaches you everything you need to know to tackle Experiment Questions confidently!
Why Attend This Masterclass?
Experimental-based questions take up 30% or more in a typical Science paper. For the past few years, experimental-based questions comprised a whopping 50-60% of PSLE Science Booklet B’s Open Ended Questions! Your child can expect experiment-based questions to be tested in BOTH the multiple-choice section AND the open-ended section. It is typical to find students even in upper primary struggling to understand how to tackle such questions confidently.
Schools are time-scarce to cover experimental processes in detail during lab lessons.
Students have insufficient exposure to experimental processes and inquiry.
Students lack a clear framework for answering experiment questions well.
Here’s Our Solution
A Systematic Framework to Tackle Experiment Q
Designed by PSLE Science Specialist and experienced former PSLE Science Marker, Mr Jayce Or, PEAK™ Experimental Thinking process will eliminate the guesswork, and equip students with the step-by-step thought processes and systematic framework required to answer experiment questions effectively.
- Germinate’s PEAK ™Experimental Thinking makes abstract skills accessible and digestible by a systematic approach to understanding experiment-based questions
- Practice on commonly-tested & curated questions and master the critical components and features of experiment questions

Superb Feedback from Parents & Students!
Key Benefits of Attending This Masterclass
No More Confusion Answering Experiment Questions!
In this masterclass, your child will:
- Be trained in the thought processes and nature of experimental investigation.
- Zoom in on common features, question terms and critical vocabulary used in experimental set ups.
- Analyse questions accurately with focus on important principles:
- Aim of experiment, dependent, independent variables, control variables, experimental set-up
- Concept of fair test vs reliable test vs accuracy test
- Formulate a testable hypothesis
- Describe the steps of experimenting
- Know how to represent experimental data through various methods
- Understand relationship between variables and experimental results
- Using observations, data and trends to forecast results & draw conclusion
- Apply process skills confidently on CURATED QUESTIONS COMMONLY SEEN IN SCIENCE PAPERS.
- Apply key concepts in experimental design and plug gaps by getting experimental fundamentals right.
- Tackle important experiment type questions of varying difficulties.

Classroom Venues
Masterclass Run Dates & Times
P4 & P5 Experiment Questions Masterclass
Early Bird Fee
$138 (U.P. $168)

- Germinate reserves the right to change the venue and timing.
- Germinate requires a minimum of 6 participants for class to commence.
- Slot can only be confirmed when payment has been made on a first come first served basis.
- All participants need a confirmation email of payment received from Germinate.
- For online event, only one login is allowed for each confirmed signup. We will send you the zoom login details and softcopy handouts 3-7 days before the date.
- For onsite event, hardcopy handouts will be provided in class.
- There will be no refund 14 days prior to event. For any refund, the amount returned will be less processing fees charged.
- If participant fails to turn up on actual day, there will be no refund or makeup.
- If the masterclass/holiday programme is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances or if the minimum quorum is not reached, all participants will be informed via email or whatsapp. Full refund of fees will be made.
- By attending this event, I understand that my child may be photographed during the workshop for marketing purposes. I agree to allow my child’s photo, video or film likeness to be used, without compensation for communication purposes, including, but not limited to the website, social media sites and the press by the event holders. Germinate may collect, use or disclose your personal data and consent to receive marketing, advertising and promotional materials in accordance to the full terms of Germinate’s Privacy Policy.
- Founder & Principal of Germinate Learning Pte Ltd, PSLE Science Strategist, Author of P5/6 Marshall Cavendish Science Test X-Tra, former experienced PSLE Science marker with more than 20 years of Science Coaching in both MOE & private industry.
- Knows the ins and out of PSLE Science. Coached thousands of parents & students on how to dissect HOW Science questions are formulated and feel less intimidated on what is expected in the PSLE Science Exam and recent question types in PSLE papers.
- Affectionately known as Science Dad Sg, Jayce is a father of 6 kids and teacher to many more students. He believes in empowering parents to support their children in understanding the demands and requirements of primary science to better journey with them.
- Teaches children Heart Science not just Hard Science. His passion is impacting his students to grow a deep interest and love for the subject…beyond merely just grades alone!