Dear Parents,

Thank you for entrusting your child’s Primary Science journey for Academic Year 2025 (AY2025) with us.

Your child’s enrolment and lessons with Germinate Learning Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Germinate), is subjected to the Terms and Conditions as listed below. 


Parents are requested to read these Terms and Conditions before making course payment. 

Once course payment has been made, it will be deemed that the parent has accepted Germinate AY2025 Regular Group Class Terms and Conditions.



1. Germinate’s course comprises of four terms in the academic year with total of 40 lessons for Primary 3-5 and 36 lessons for Primary 6 as presented in the following academic calendar:

Click here to download the calendar

2. Germinate requires the student to be enroled for a minimum of one term. For mid-term enrolment, payment for current term (prorated) + next term is payable upon enrolment.



1. For new students, Germinate will collect a one-time non refundable registration fee of $50.

2. All regular class course fees will be collected termly, prior to the commencement of the term at the rates below: 

  • P3 & P4 2025: $650 for per term of 10 lessons, 1h 30min per lesson
  • P5 & P6 2025: $850 for per term of 10 lessons, 1h 45min per lesson

Class offer will be sent via email outlining the dates and the number of billable lessons for your information and perusal. 

3. Fees for the course terms are due 1 week before the start of the term or earlier, depending on class offer/promotion validity date during Term enrolment/renewal period. 

4. Germinate will require parents to make payment to secure the enrolment.

5. In the event that fee payment was not made within 3 working days of the class offer, vacancy may be released to the next student on the waiting list. Should the student wish to join us after the due date, Germinate reserves the rights to collect a registration fee again, before sending a new class offer.

6. Students will be successfully enroled in the class on a first come first serve basis, with priority given to our existing students and their siblings. Enrolment for each class will be closed once we hit the maximum quorum, and subsequent interest will be put on the waiting list.

7. All course fees are inclusive of course materials and and administrative charges.

8. All receipts will be issued via email. Please retain the receipts for verification purposes.

9. All course fee payments made are strictly non-refundable, non- transferable and non-negotiable. Refer to Withdrawal clause for special conditions listed under section D.

10. Once you accept the assigned tuition schedule, you will not be able to change the schedule from the first lesson. Modifications in schedule can only be made in special cases and subject to availability.


1. Germinate reserves the right to offer promotional course fee/package during the academic year.

2. Please note that such fees and packages apply strictly to the promotional period and will be subject to change and/or revert to usual program fees AFTER the stated promotional period is over. 

Eg. To illustrate this, do note that if you opt for the Term Fee, Semester or Year Package payment plan at a promotional rate during priority or early bird enrolment, the course fee for the subsequent term renewal will no longer be offered at the same promotional rates. 

3. Germinate reserves the right to change the promotional period for offer. 



1. We accept payment in the following mediums:

  • Paynow to Germinate Learning Pte Ltd (UEN: 202202723H)
  • Fund transfer to Germinate DBS Business Account (0725515084)
  • Paypal via the checkout page

2. You are required to indicate your order number in the Reference field of the bank transfer form to facilitate Germinate’s administrative duties.

3. For payment via paynow or fund transfer, you are required to update Germinate via email to germinate.sg@gmail.com with a screenshot of the payment, immediately after payment is made. Your order will be completed by the next working day once payment is confirmed.

4. Pending order will be cancelled if it is not completed within 24 hours. Promotion is subjected to availability based on new order.



1. Germinate will not be able to offer any refunds or fee credit if your child chooses to terminate classes with us, except for those on the Year Package. Amount refunded will be as per below:

  • Before 1 Dec 2024: 80% of total fees
  • Before 1 Mar 2025: 50% of total fees
  • After 1 Mar 2025: No refund

2. Germinate will need a written notice (delivered by hand, post, email, WhatsApp message or SMS text message) of your expressed intention to terminate your child’s attendance at Germinate.



1. It is the responsibility of the student(s) and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) to inform the centre if the child is to be absent for a lesson.

2. In the event where the student is absent, no tuition fee refund will be given.

3. Other than being absent on the grounds of medical reasons or official events (such as school competitions etc.) and reasonable reasons (such as death of immediate family members etc.), students will not be eligible to arrange a make-up lesson.

4. If a student is absent for valid reasons as stated above, he can attend any other online lesson that is available at the other timeslot on the same week. If there are no other available/suitable timeslot, then he can opt to view the replay of the recorded lesson.

5. As all our classes are group-based, the tutor(s) are not obligated to conduct a separate make-up lesson for any individual student regardless of the reason of absence. Any make-up lesson is out of goodwill.

6. During the scheduled makeup, tutor(s) are not obliged to reteach the entire missed lesson to the student. However, it is at the discretion and goodwill of the tutor(s) to assist the student during the lesson.

7. In order to reap the full benefits of our programme, we seek your cooperation and full understanding that your child should attend all lessons.



1. Students should be aware that they are attending the course(s) to study and are expected to behave responsibly at all times.

2. As the onsite classes are held in rented premises, students are expected to keep their volume down and also to take care of the premises including but not limiting to the cleanliness of the classrooms and toilets.

3. In the event that Germinate has to pay a penalty fee due to irresponsible usage of the rented premises by Germinate student, his/her parent will be liable to provide compensation for the fee imposed.

4. Activities, which would cause disturbance to other students or Germinate, will result in instant dismissal from the course. In such case, no fee refund will be made.

5. Students have the responsibility to bring and file their lesson materials (notes, worksheets). We seek parent’s understanding to partner us to ensure students adopt the good practice of taking responsibility for their worksheets, ensuring the correct worksheets are brought to class. No additional worksheets will be provided in class if student forgets to bring his/her copy. As we do not charge a separate material fee on top of our regular fees, do note that any additional request to resend term materials due to wrong address provided or loss of material will incur an additional administrative fee of $30.

6. Students and parents are not allowed to share or disseminate any material by Germinate to anyone who is not a student from Germinate. All the content and images are the property of Germinate and they are protected by copyright. We appreciate your respect for our materials.



1.The full academic year commences on the last week of December 2023. The academic year ends on the 20 September 2025 for Primary 6 students and 18 October for 2025 Primary 3-5 students.

2. Germinate may conduct holiday workshops during the month of November and December.

3. Germinate runs an on-going curriculum during the school holidays (i.e. March, June and September). Students are required to attend the scheduled lessons as per normal during the school holidays and are liable to pay for the corresponding course fees.

4. There will not be any lessons conducted on all gazetted National Public Holidays. Unless otherwise stated, students from affected class can choose to either attend an online lesson during other timeslots of the same week or to view the replay of the recorded lesson. Please refer to the AY2025 Calendar under section A for details.



1.Parents shall permit Germinate and its Staff to record their child’s image, work or voice for publicity, promotional, publishing or educational purposes.

2. Germinate will need a written notice (delivered by hand, post, email, WhatsApp message or SMS text message) of your expressed intention to opt out from the above clause.

3. Parents and students are not allowed to make photographic, video and/or other recordings inside our classrooms or premises unless you have obtained prior consent from Germinate



1. Course fees may be changed and the services offered may be withdrawn at any time. In the above case, Germinate will give at least four (4) weeks advance notice to the student.

2. Germinate reserves the right to cancel a course if it is undersubscribed. In this case, you will be given a full refund of fees paid for the unattended lessons.

3. Queries pertaining to any external materials brought in by students will only be answered or handled at the teachers’ discretion and convenience.

4. Germinate reserves the rights to change the tutors if it deems necessary and conduct the programs and classes in any manner it deems appropriate.

5. Parents are updated on the latest information through emails, whatsapp and notices served to their children in classes.

6. Parents are advised not to talk to tutors during lessons and between classes to ensure a smooth run of schedule. Please send a WhatsApp message instead.

7. Germinate is committed to teach the student to the best of our ability. However, we believe in the mutual efforts of parents and teachers to achieve the best outcomes for the child.

8. Germinate may amend the class schedule/venue for existing regular classes, if the need arises.



1.While Germinate and its Staff will exercise the utmost care and precautions to ensure the safety of every student during classes, parents accept that mishaps and accidents may occur due to circumstances beyond Germinate’s control. Therefore, all parents agree that Germinate cannot be held liable for such incidents and will thus indemnify Germinate against such liability.

2. Parents or guardians will accept full liability for any damage caused by the student to premises where programmes are conducted.

3. Germinate will not be responsible or liable for the loss of any personal property in the venues that Germinate conducts its programmes.

4. Upon the dismissal of onsite classes, Germinate will not be responsible for the whereabouts of the students. Hence, Germinate seeks the kind cooperation of all parents and guardians to take note of their children’s dismissal times and arrange for prompt pick-up.



1.Germinate Learning Pte Ltd holds complete rights to make changes in terms and conditions without any prior notice.